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Exams.... Deadlines... Do they ever end???


But you CAN make it through! The most important thing you can do for yourself during this stressful time of year is be on your own side. The key to keeping yourself together isn’t controlling the amount of work you have to do (we often can’t get around that), but how you respond to your to-do list. I wish you the best of luck with the rest of the semester and with that, I leave you with some of the points I keep in mind when dealing with stress!

1. Stay organized - keeping tracking of your notes, making to-do lists, and clearing your workspace can help you feel less overwhelmed and generally be more productive! If you’re still not convinced here’s a whole blog post on the Benefits of a Tidy Workspace:

2. Focus on the Present - when working on a task, worrying about other responsibilities is distracting and only creates more stress. Instead, I take what I know from my very basic understanding of the practice of ‘mindfulness’ and only deal with the present moment. Some of my favourite techniques are covered in this blog post, which is specifically tailored to practicing mindfulness to reduce stress during exams:

3. Eat right & Exercise - it’s so tempting to order that super convenient, super cheap King Richie’s pizza when you’re up late studying, and it sometimes feels like you’re obligated to sit in the same chair in Weldon for 9 hours, but not maintaining your physical health is detrimental to your grades in the long run. Anticipate your study session munchies by bringing healthy snacks to the library and dedicate some time in your day to getting your body moving. This blog post lays out the best tips for healthy eating during exams: . This site offers some helpful advice on sneaking exercise into your jam-packed schedule:

Good luck, and may the grades be ever in your favour!

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