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My most memorable experience at Western

My favourite experience in university so far happened last March when I was afforded the opportunity to travel to the Montreal World Health Organization Conference to network with fellow Western students as well as the McGill University students that were able to accompany us. Through this experience I was able to build friendships that transcended language barriers and it was all because of a shared interest in the health field. From this opportunity I saw first hand how the Student Opportunity Fund changed student lives for the better and how it enriched my university experience.

  • Riley (FHSSC President), 3rd year Health Science

There's been so many memorable experiences I don't know which to choose. But if I had to, I would say the moment I became a SOPH and got to relive O-Week again. Being able to not only go through it for round 2 myself, but to also play a key part of its success, to see the other side of it all, to be able to mentor and guide first year students, make a difference, and to be a part of what makes the best student experience here at Western!

  • Eric, 5th year Health Science

The night before I moved into residence during my first year, I said goodbye to some of the people I loved most in the world. All my closest friends were scattering across the country, leaving my road to Western as a solo trip. I was about to embark on a journey that I was completely clueless about. I was so excited, and absolutely terrified. Funnily enough, one of my most memorable experiences happened within O-Week itself. I found some friends within two girls on my floor, but I was still unsure about whether or not this friendship was temporary. It goes without saying at at the end of One Love, emotions were running high. We were all feeling inspired, and the whole week ended off with a bang (I’m talking literally- there were fireworks after the performance). And as I stood there watching the fireworks, these two girls took both of my hands and we stood there together on the top of UC Hill. That was my moment- I knew I had found a place that would eventually become mine. Fast forward a couple years and those two girls are now my room mates, my soul sisters, and my best friends in the whole world. And now, returning to Western isn’t “going back to school” for me … it’s “coming home”.

  • Spock, 3rd year Health Science

Over the course of the last 2 years at Western, I've made hundreds of amazing memories with great people along the way. But one of my favourite ones that stands out to me especially was in my first year! Getting the phone call after a nerve-wracking process of applying to be a soph. Our head sophs tried to play me and led me on to think I didn't get it but just as I was expecting to get shut down, they did a 180 and let me know that I was accepted onto the team. Best feeling ever.

  • Fin, 3rd year Health Science

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