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Advice to my first year self

Be open to new opportunities, take chances and say "yes" more often. Because you never know where that "yes" is going to take you."

  • Ace (Health Sciences Head Soph), 4th year BA Kinesiology

“Try not to compare yourself to others”

What I wish someone (other than my mother) had told me when I started at Western. There will always be someone who is smarter, prettier, more athletic, better at time management, more outgoing…you get the idea…than you, but you have your own unique strengths and weaknesses. How is it fair to compare yourself to someone else? It might sound cliché, but everyday you should challenge yourself to be better than you were the day before. Study for an extra 15 minutes; Actually GO to the gym instead of sit at home and say, ‘the gym is so far…I’ll just go tomorrow’; wake up 10 minutes earlier. Winning these small internal battles will get you much farther in life than being able to say, ‘I get better grades than so-and-so’ because that person’s goals are mostly likely different than your own life goals. If you follow this simple advice, I guarantee you will be much happier, less stressed, and more motivated to do your best.

  • Gazal, 4th year BA Kinesiology

“Don’t spread yourself thin!" You’re going to meet someone who is not only on a Varsity team but also manages to pull off straight A’s, have a position on student council AND volunteer at a local women’s shelter. And good for them! But don’t let this busy-body discourage you from finding just 1 or 2 things that you love & fully committing yourself to these few things! University is a balance for social life and academics – but don’t tip the balance too far in either direction! Always make time for YOU and check in with yourself to see what you can do to make your experience the best it can possibly be.

  • Mom’s Spaghetti, 4th year Health Science

“Be open to meeting all sorts of people”

You never know who you will be friends with, also it's not the end of the world if you aren't best friends with your roommates and you don't meet your squad in first year. You can still have a great experience and you will find the right group of friends!

  • Sonam, 3rd year Health Science

Don’t be scared to join things on your own or to apply for positions you’d like. There are so many awesome opportunities available to you (i.e clubs, councils, teams) where you will meet people with similar interests as you and who can become your life long friends! Find good study habits that work for you and stick with it! They key to success in university is staying on top of your work. Studying without a routine is like a Ferrari with no gas, it might look really good but it will get you nowhere! A solid study routine will help you get the grades you want and that will open some awesome doors for you in the future.

  • Salem, 4th year Health Science

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